Community Capacity Builders CIC | Wirral Mental Health Charity


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FEB 2022 : FEB 2024

NHS funded SMI/Cancer Mental Health 12-Month Programme

 We are members of Wirral-CVF Mental Health Collaborative, co-ordinated by One Wirral CIC, which comprises 20+ local Voluntary, Community and Faith organisations.  Through this, we’re currently delivering a project aimed at those suffering from Serious Mental Illness and/or recovering from cancer.

So far we have helped more than 20 individuals through our free provision of 1-1 mental health counselling and 1-1 personal training sessions to help improve their mind, body and well-being whilst they are dealing with depression, anxiety and/or recovering from cancer. 

100% of participants to date in our post-programme exit survey strongly agreed that their participation in the programme has had a positive impact on their physical health, mental health and well-being.

"Charlotte was exceptional in her approach she made every session interesting and focused on my needs brilliantly. I feel so much better, both physically and mentally and she has restored the confidence that I had lost through my cancer treatment."

Keith M.

"I learned a lot from Steve both about physical exercise and nutrition."

Helen B.

"I think if I had not gone to see Charlotte from Community Capacity Builders, I would not have gone back to doing exercise. I lacked confidence in myself, what I was capable of and I was worried that I could hurt myself after surgery and months of treatment. I looked forward to the sessions, they were fun but most of all I could feel the difference in the movement of my arm and shoulder. Out of all the after treatments I have received my PT sessions were the most beneficial. I started exercising not long after finishing chemotherapy and radiotherapy and I’m certain they helped me recover more quickly."

Suzanne W.

"I think if I had not gone to see Charlotte from Community Capacity Builders, I would not have gone back to doing exercise. I lacked confidence in myself, what I was capable of and I was worried that I could hurt myself after surgery and months of treatment. I looked forward to the sessions, they were fun but most of all I could feel the difference in the movement of my arm and shoulder. Out of all the after treatments I have received my PT sessions were the most beneficial. I started exercising not long after finishing chemotherapy and radiotherapy and I’m certain they helped me recover more quickly."

Suzanne W.
Mar 2022 : Mar 2024

WIRRAL Council Funded CVF 13-25 Mental Health Improvement and Wirral CVF Cost of Living ‘Fit-for-Life’ Programmes

These two 12-month projects have delivered a comprehensive programme of physical, mental and financial health sessions to hundreds of economically disadvantaged residents (targeted by post code, diagnosis and, or need) who have been diagnosed with a mental, or physical health issue and, or a Special Educational Need and would be benefit from a monthly timetable of structured activity. 

This includes structured weekly therapeutic support, counselling, activity and education workshops, physical activity classes which will offer a holistic and joined up approach to tackling modern social and economic problems that combines learning with physical activity ensuring a positive learning experience for all) and a financial literacy course to be delivered at community and health facilities based in the heart of communities.  This included safe, structured and warm environments, such as Venture Boxing Club, Leasowe Golf Club, Pure Gym, Bidston Moss, South Wirral High School, The Mosslands School and Clare Mount Specialist Sports College for after-school, half term and weekend delivery for the wider community. 

Individuals were able to choose and access a bespoke timetable of weekly sessions that will include professional mental health support (counselling) and physical activity sessions (yoga, personal training, golf, football and boxing). Many have also accessed a comprehensive, 7-week financial literacy project; including personal banking, budgeting, food spend, savings and investments, personal loans and credit cards, mortgages, pay slips, state and private pensions and overall financial intelligence. Finally, they chose to access our Education, Enterprise and Employment scheme (a 6-week programme enabling young people and adults gain employment, access education, or set up a small business)

The fundamental goal of the projects was to actively increase mental, physical, and financial health and well-being amongst residents, particularly those with a mental, or physical health problem, or illness and at risk of/or in poverty. This helped tackle the issues we have identified around poverty, education, employment, health and well-being whilst giving them a sense of self, meaning and purpose to the lives, whilst supporting the long-term future and growth of communities by addressing these problems ‘further upstream’ with people. 

Our service delivery is designed to tackle gaps in service provision, shortages of public resources and/or long waiting lists.  For instance, we have prided ourselves on a maximum two-week turnaround from initial registration to a person having their first mental health counselling session booked in with ourselves.

We’ve received extremely positive engagement and feedback from participants over the course of the two council funded programmes…

"I have already recommended two people to your programme, one of which is my daughter, she has also found it very beneficial. This programme of exercise and mental health counselling has helped me through the most difficult part of my life, fighting cancer and a separation. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Nicky (mental health counsellor) and Stephen (personal trainer) and this programme. They've pulled me out of a dark place, and I can now look forward and make new memories. I honestly hope you get the further funding you guys deserve to help others as you are doing an amazing job. Absolute legends."

Mandy H.

Department for Education funded HAF Football Activity Camps for FSM/SEND children

Since December 2021 we have proudly delivered numerous Football Activity Camps using funding from the Department for Education via Edsential, aimed at provided free Holiday Activities with food for children qualifying for state funded Free School Meals (FSM) , or having another disadvantaged such as an Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) or being a Looked After Child (LAC). 

These camps have taken place during the school Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays and to date we have hosted nearly 300 children and young people between the ages of 7-16 with our camps held in Wallasey, Leasowe and Eastham.

Our camps are run by FA qualified and DBS cleared football coaches who have a wealth of experience coaching children of all ages, abilities and additional needs.  The camps are safe, fun and inclusive.  As well as the football related activities, the children also get to learn about nutrition, healthy diets and lifestyles whilst also learning about mindfulness and meditation to help calm them during stressful moments whilst engaging in sport and their everyday lives.  As well as developing their skills and fitness, we also work on the children’s’ social emotional and behavioural communication skills so they treat each other with respect, empathy and friendship.

During the summer we even have a special fund day out once a week over the four weeks of our camp, taking the children to the cinema, bowling, laser quest, climbing and adventure golf!

In a recent exit survey from our 2023 summer camp, 100% of parents/carers that participated shared that they would definitely recommend out holidays camps to other families and 100% said they were very pleased with our provision. 93% of their children said that they ‘loved our summer camp’.

"As my child has ADHD, this football camp is entertaining for him and burns up his energy. The coaches are all friendly and supportive to the children."

Cath B.

"My kid was seriously lacking in confidence to even walk through the door, but the coaches were absolutely marvellous. With support and encouragement he agreed to try, everyone was kind, helpful and more importantly treated him with understanding and respect. He thrived during sessions and came home with a big smile eager to return next day! What a boost to his self-esteem; made me proud to see how much he got from this football camp! Thank you all so much."

Dawn R.

"The coaches who run these sessions are great and my daughter loves going. She‘s learning new skills and comes home tired (a winner for me!)"

Louise L.

"My kid was seriously lacking in confidence to even walk through the door, but the coaches were absolutely marvellous. With support and encouragement he agreed to try, everyone was kind, helpful and more importantly treated him with understanding and respect. He thrived during sessions and came home with a big smile eager to return next day! What a boost to his self-esteem; made me proud to see how much he got from this football camp! Thank you all so much."

Dawn R.
MAR 2022 : SEP 2023

NHS/Cheshire and Wirral Partnership funded Adult Mental Health Transformation (18 month programme.)

NHS/Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Mental Health Alliance (of multiple VCSEs) to deliver an 18-month Community Mental-Health Transformation Programme to adults (March 2022 – September 2023). This involved regular meetings and reporting engagement/outcomes throughout the programme to the NHS and Rethink Mental Illness. 

National data supports the argument that people with mental health problems are more likely to be on a lower income, welfare benefits, and live in debt. Community Capacity Builders targeted adults from across the Wirral from ‘disadvantaged’ backgrounds, particularly those referred to the programme and claiming benefits.

This 18-month project delivered a comprehensive programme of physical, mental and financial health sessions to nearly 250 disadvantaged and vulnerable people. 70%  were medically diagnosed with a mental health issue and the remaining 30% felt their mental health and well-being would benefit from our structured interventions.

Our structured timetable included weekly therapeutic support, counselling, workshops, physical activity classes and a financial literacy course delivered at community and health facilities based in the heart of communities. We directly tackled key mental health issues such as isolation, negative thoughts, serious illness, cancer, depression, eating difficulties, low self-esteem, anxiety, obsessions or compulsions, violent or angry behaviour, PTSD, sleep problems, self-harming and effects of abuse or traumatic events. 

Each adult had the ability to access a bespoke timetable of weekly sessions that included professional mental health counselling, physical activity (personal fitness and mobility training, yoga and boxing) and access to a comprehensive, six-week financial health project; including personal banking, savings and investments, personal loans and credit cards, mortgages, pay slips, state and private pensions and general financial intelligence. 

The fundamental goal of the project was to actively increase mental, physical and financial health and wellbeing amongst adults with a mental health problem/illness.  In total 247 people registered for our programme across the 18 months. We delivered over 1000 hours of free 1-1 mental health counselling across the 18 months, with each service user receiving a minimum of ten sessions. Community Capacity Builders have well established local partnerships with a wide range of supporting and complimentary services and organisations such as Clatterbridge Oncology Centre, St Catherine’s Hospital Stein Centre, Liscard Group Medical Practice, Seetec Pluss and Involve Northwest; all having helped promote or signpost adults who qualified for our project.

"Thank you as they are doing me the world of good. I’ve had a sustained stretch of ill health, and my fitness level was rock bottom, and I really needed an incentive to get more active. I enjoyed talking things through with Jenni (mental health counsellor). Those sessions helped me think more positively and improved my motivation to get fitter. Steve (Personal Trainer) has also been a great motivator. Sessions with him have been pitched just right for me and I can feel the benefits already. Kate’s sessions have been great as well. My improved flexibility and stamina have encouraged me to go swimming again which I really enjoy. All in all, a big thanks to all concerned. You are running a great scheme which I’m sure many will benefit from."

Lin D.

SEND Football Hub Y5-Y13

Since the start of 2022, we have used funding from 23 foundation and Wirral Council CVF-COL grant to help deliver a weekly SEND football coaching session to local youngsters with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.  Most of the children we are working with are on the Autistic Spectrum and all have additional needs which require an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).  The majority of the participants come from Clare Mount Specialist Sports College, with others from Orrets Meadow, Hayfield special school and Mosslands.

 The rationale behind this programme was to ensure that those children who  perhaps wanted to play structured organised football, where often missing out on the experience and opportunity of grassroots football due to a lack of confidence, social and emotional communications skills and sometimes the clubs and other players perhaps not understanding these children’s additional needs.  Therefore, we wanted to give a weekly opportunity for organised football sessions to help them have fun and develop their skills and confidence in a nurturing and familiar environment with similar children.

 The sessions have taken place each Monday during term time and have taken place at both sites in Moreton and Leasowe of our community partners Clare Mount Specialist Sports College. Each week we have around 25 children and young people attend ranging from Y7 to 6th Form and also at times during the year other local special primary schools will bring children too from Y5 and Y6.  

 The football hub is run by our experienced and qualified football coaches assisted by Clare Mount staff, to put on safe, fun and inclusive sessions which and aim to develop the participants fitness, skills, communication and confidence. Throughout the sessions we are also instilling the principles of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship.

95% of the children surveyed said they ‘enjoyed attending the football sessions and around three quarters of the children surveyed said they ‘felt their skills and confidence had increased as a result of their participation.

"Community Capacity Builders (CCB) began their work, in partnership with the school, to develop a football hub for young people with additional needs, 3 years ago. Many of our young people have a huge love of sport and physical activity but face multiple barriers to participation. CCB have worked with us to overcome these barriers. Their sessions are fun, inclusive and progressive and the success of the provision can be seen in the high participation levels and the strong relationships, which now exist between players and coaches. Many of our young people now see life-long participation in sport and competitive, community football as realistic ambitions."

Kev Byrne Director of Personal Development and Wellbeing - Clare Mount Specialist Sports College
NOV 22 : MAR 23

Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership Funded Youth Diversion Programme

For five months we delivered a Youth Diversion programme funded by Merseyside Violence Reduction Programme. This consisted of weekly football sessions in Leasowe and weekly fitness/mobility/yoga sessions in Moreton aimed at mostly vulnerable children with additional needs to help boost their skills, confidence, divert them from anti-social and risk-taking behaviour after school whilst improving their perception of personal safety when out in their own local neighbourhoods.  We also staged three Holiday Activity Camps over the February school half-term; Football in Eastham, Boxing in Birkenhead in partnership with Venture Boxing Club and Mixed Martial Arts in Birkenhead in partnership with Two Brothers Gym.

During the half-term camps, we also provided free packed lunches for those families that needed it, which was much appreciated. Also we had in attendance one of our Level 5 qualified, BACP registered Mental Health Counsellors spending time across the three half-term camps to work on social, emotional and behaviour communication skills and be at hand to offer help, support and advice to individuals who may have been experiencing issues when at the camp e.g. feeling isolated, angry with others, lacking confidence etc.

We had targeted ourselves to reach 30 children and young people over the  course of the programme to boost skills, fitness, resilience and confidence, whilst diverting them away from anti-social and risk-taking behaviour but managed to reach 140 children and young people!

One of the young male participants had Bone Growth Deformities and a young girl had Hyper-mobility issues. Also at least 30 of the participants had Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs) for diagnosed Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) e.g. Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, ADD, Severe Learning Difficulty, Speech/Language and Communication needs, Social and Emotional needs and Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). 

We had really positive feedback from a parent of one Y7 boy with an EHCP for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to say that due to the meditation and mindfulness that their son was doing at the end of the Exercise/ Mobility/ Yoga sessions that he had returned home “the most relaxed and calm ever after a day at school”. This has meant a calmer evening for mum and the rest of his family.

In our exit-surveys 85% of those surveyed, answered that they’d ‘seen an improvement in their health and skills development’ and 75% ‘reported that they were now physically more active’. Many participants (either directly or via their parents) have reported that they now ‘feel more confident when playing football on the school yard, in the street or in the park.’ Some had been previously reluctant to engage in football as they felt they were lacking in skills, ability and confidence. Some of the participants have now joined grassroots football clubs or are at least considering joining a team, whereas before they were not involved in any competitive football.


Developing Financial Literacy and Financial Life Skills of 14-19 year old’s

Since September 2021 we have delivered a Financial Literacy/Life Skills 7-week programme in a wide range of different educational settings across the Wirral to children and young people aged 14-19.  This includes Clare Mount Specialist Sports College, West Kirby School and College, The Observatory School, Wirral Hospitals’ School, The Mosslands School, Oldershaw, Co-op Academy Bebington and South Wirral High School.   

This project offers something unique and far more detailed than the current provision via Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum offers in UK education.  Our lessons are totally impartial and are tailored to the needs, abilities and context of the learners.

Our course is delivered by a qualified secondary school teacher with 18 years of teaching experience along with five years’ experience prior to that of working in the finance sector as a management accountant.  We deliver a six-topic programme to help young people better understand key areas of personal finance to help enable them to make more sensible informed financial decisions as young adults, thus proactively improving their Financial Health.

The topics include:

The 7th session is to re-cap previous topics, evaluate the course and do a KNOWLEDGE QUIZ to test their knowledge retention and understanding of the topics.

We have had funding from Tilney, Dulverton Trust and Wirral Council to enable us to deliver these sessions.  To date we have reached nearly 500 young people on the Wirral from the age of 14 up to 19.  The average end of course Knowledge Quiz mark to date from all the participants across the Wirral, including those with additional needs, is an impressive 75%. We’ve received some excellent feedback from both the participants and the schools in which we’ve delivered the course.

"The feedback from my students who participated in these sessions was overwhelmingly positive and most were disappointed to learn that the sessions would only last for 7 weeks. Not once did I have to chase up any students for not attending. I would wholeheartedly recommend CCB to any organisation who I think would benefit from their expertise."

Mrs. Danher Head of 6th Form @ The Mosslands School

"I really enjoyed the quick and to-the-point explanations about financial things I will genuinely need to know in the future."

Y13 Student at The Oldershaw School

"The best part of the course was learning about savings and how to grow your own money."

Y11 Student @ The Observatory School

"The feedback from my students who participated in these sessions was overwhelmingly positive and most were disappointed to learn that the sessions would only last for 7 weeks. Not once did I have to chase up any students for not attending. I would wholeheartedly recommend CCB to any organisation who I think would benefit from their expertise."

Mrs. Danher Head of 6th Form @ The Mosslands School
SEP 2023 : Ongoing

Employability Life Skills Programme for 16-19 year olds

Since September 2023, we have started to deliver a 6-week course in schools to help develop the Employability Life Skills of 16-19 year olds. We are in the process of expanding the delivery of this new programme to reach a wide range of varied educational settings across the Wirral and seek to partner with the schools who have already enjoyed our delivery of Financial Life Skills. 

This project offers something unique and far more detailed than the current provision via form time in Year 11 or the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum offers in UK education.  Our lessons are totally impartial and are tailored to the needs, abilities and context of the learners.

Our course is delivered by a qualified secondary school teacher with 18 years of teaching experience along with five years’ experience prior to that of working in the finance sector as a management accountant and has experience himself of recruiting, training, and disciplining staff throughout his career.  We deliver a five-topic programme to help young people better understand Employability Life Skills to enable them to take better actions when looking for and applying for jobs and attending interviews.

These topics include:

According to the Institute of Employment Studies in Jan 2023, they found that a major obstacle that young people face to accessing good quality employment is a lack of confidence (36% of those surveyed).  The main aims of the main outcomes of our programme is to instil knowledge, techniques and skills on young people so that they are more confident in how to look for jobs that match their interests and qualities, can effectively produce CVs, covering letters and complete application forms, understand effective interview techniques and understand the expectations on them from their potential future employees. 

Hopefully the positive outcomes of this course will be students more now more confident and able secure decent employment and promotions currently and in the near future.

"The Employment course has been great for our students who are not following the traditional UCAS pathway and instead have had some guidance into preparing for the world of work and apprenticeships. The course allows students to see the benefits of a detailed and thorough CV and the course is bespoke and allows students the opportunity to share their different skills and experiences."

Fern Skeldon Assistant Head of Sixth Form @ South Wirral High School

"It has helped me knowing what skills I need when applying for a job and preparing for an interview."

Y13 Student @ South Wirral High School

"It's helped me develop my CV in order to help it stand out better."

Bobby P, Y13 Student @ South Wirral High School

"The Employment course has been great for our students who are not following the traditional UCAS pathway and instead have had some guidance into preparing for the world of work and apprenticeships. The course allows students to see the benefits of a detailed and thorough CV and the course is bespoke and allows students the opportunity to share their different skills and experiences."

Fern Skeldon Assistant Head of Sixth Form @ South Wirral High School

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